Epoisses on Bourgogne PDO - 250g

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Known as the king of cheeses, this Burgundy cheese is washed in marc de Bourgogne and salt water, similar to Chambertin.
Cistercian monks are said to be the originators of Epoisses. "The abbey of Citeaux is nearby".
Over time, its production returned to the rural world, but its complexity discouraged many, so that between the wars, it almost disappeared.
Since 1946, two Burgundian families have been restoring the reputation of this fabulous cheese, which Brillat Savarin, eminent gastronome and connoisseur, called the "King of Cheeses".
Often compared to two local children, Epoisses is said to have the strength of Charles le Téméraire and the sensitivity of Mme de Sévigné.
Thanks to its maturing process (washed first with salt water, then with Burgundy marc), Epoisses has a powerful, straightforward flavor. The rind should be shiny, orange and lightly streaked.
€74.78/kg TTC