Fiore Sardo
Literally " Flower of Sardinia ", the Fiore Sardo was praised from 1776 by Father Francesco Gemelli. Certain document describe this milk which was put deposited in bowls in cork and warmed by means of stones taken out of some live charcoals, and the vegetable rennet on base of thistle flowers. Today, the Sardinian herdsmen raise a race of very particular ewe which comes down from the family of mouflons.
The Fiore Sardo cheeses age on one cannitta , a grate of rushes suspended above a fireplace, where they dry and take a light smoked taste.
They continue refining in wet cellar during at least 3 months.
They are rubbed by olive oil and vinegar, sometimes fat of sheep, what avoids the forming of molds and what allows the crust to keep its humidity and the big sharpness and the flexibility of its dough.
They continue refining in wet cellar during at least 3 months.
They are rubbed by olive oil and vinegar, sometimes fat of sheep, what avoids the forming of molds and what allows the crust to keep its humidity and the big sharpness and the flexibility of its dough.
We have selected the best cheeses for you. Discover our selection by clicking on the button below and buy Fiore Sardo directly online.
200 g (7 Ozs)

- Weight: 200 g (7 Ozs)
- Refining: Minimum 3 months. For US deliverymaturing extended over 60 days
- Cheese: Pieces
- Milk: Ewe
- Treatment: ???
- Dough: Cooked, pressed hard cheese
- Season(s): Spring, Fall, Winter

Wine and cheese pairing
- RED WINE: Corsé de Sardaigne
Nutritional values
- FOR 100G
- Energy (KJ): 0
- Energy (KCAL): 0
- Lipides (G): 0
- Saturated fat (G): 0
- Carbohydrate (G): 0
- Sugar (G): 0
- Proteins (G): 0
- Salt (G): 0
- Allergens: ???